Please select boat size
Delivery Services:

The provisional Polish registration will be supplied in aprox 2 weeks from the moment we have received all the required documents, Please note in case sworn translations are needed it may take a bit longer. Vessels longer than 15 meters, need to undergo additional technical inspections and safety certification, we are an agent for the Polish registration and we are not involved in the inspections, we obtain your Polish registration card, but after you will need to contact PRS Polish Register of Shipping, they have surveyors worldwide and can perform the necessary Technical inspection and Safety Certification in the same visit.
Do you want to register for private, bareboat or commercial use?
In Poland, boats up to 15 meters do not need an inspection. You can obtain the Polish Flag Registration with any passport / nationality. Our price includes all taxes & fees and translations. Valid for life.
Do you want to register under your private name with your passport ? Or do you want to setup a company?
In Poland, boats up to 15 meters do not need an inspection. You can obtain the Polish Flag Registration with any passport / nationality. Our price includes all taxes & fees and translations. Valid for life.
Optional services we can offer:
Radio license - MMSI
If the owner of the boat is a private person

If the owner of the boat is a company

Extra Services

Please also send me a very competitive insurance quote