New Registration
Belgium Yacht Registration
(for Belgium residents only)
€ 699
  • Valid Worldwide
  • No inspection needed
  • Expedited 4 week service
  • Express delivery
  • No surveys needed
  • Official Flag Registration
  • Includes all translations
  • No hidden fees – all-inclusive price
  • Registration valid for 5 years
Belgium Yacht Registration
(for Belgium residents only)
€ 350
  • Valid Worldwide
  • No inspection needed
  • Expedited 2 week service
  • Express delivery
  • No surveys needed
  • Official Flag Registration
  • Includes all translations
  • No hidden fees – all-inclusive price
  • Registration valid for 5 years

Belgium Yacht Registration

Yacht Registration Under The Belgium Flag

We register boats under the Belgium flag - Worldwide valid registration

The Belgium flag registration used to be a very popular registration but that changed in September, 2019 when the government announced that only Belgium citizens and Belgium companies could register a boat under the Belgium flag.

So now you can only register a vessel under Belgium flag if you are a citizen, resident or a company in Belgium that is at least 50% owner of the vessel. All existing licenses that are currently valid for 5 years will not be effected by this new law until they are due for renewal.

We can still take care of your flag registration in Belgium if you are a Belgium citizen

We can take care of your Belgium boat registration for you if you are a citizen of Belgium. See our required documents below.

We have the perfect alternative for Belgium Boat Registrations for only 445 Euro

Do you need a European Union flag registration that is valid around the world and is available to all nationalities – we can provide you with a Polish (EU) flag registration. This registration is valid for the lifetime of the boat and therefore you will not need to renew your paperwork. The whole process is very simple, as you do not need a yacht survey and can be done in 7 days if you supply us with the correct documents.
For details see

What are the advantages of sailing under the Belgian flag?

  1. There is no limit on navigation distances, the limit is the design category of your boat (A,B,C or D)
  2. Limited security equipment
  3. No Inspection
  4. There are no yearly taxes or expenses, except for a one time tax when registering the boat.
  5. Insurance, most insurance companies accept the Belgium flag, so you can still use your favourite insurance
  6. You can choose any European homeport for your vessel
  7. Register in 4 weeks
  8. Renewal is every 5 years
  9. Valid worldwide
What documents are needed to register under the Belgium Flag?

1) Proof / Certificate of nationality and residency
2) Copy of your passport or national identity card
3) Copy of proof of ownership of your boat (Invoice, bill of sale, notary act…)
4) Cancelation of your previous flag (if applicable)
5) A copy of the EC declaration of conformity for boats built after 1998 and for the engines built after 2006
6) Pictures:
a) A picture of the side of the boat, or jetski,
b) A picture of the HIN number, or hull number
c) A picture of the CE plate of the boat
d) A picture of the serial number of the engine(s) if applicable
7) Online form correctly filled in
For Imported boats:: Copy of the EC declaration of conformity Proof / Certificate of payment of the EU VAT
For home build boats: Invoices of the main elements of the boat, like hull, mast, engine,.. An insurance report Declaration/statement in French/Dutch that you are the builder, stating the model of boat, construction time with start and end date, address of the location of construction and a drawing reference.